Grown pandas are about 2 1/2 feet tall, 5 feet long, and weigh up to 330 pounds for a male and 150 pounds for a female. The length of their body is between 120 and 180 centimeters. The height of their broad shoulders is between 65 and 70 centimeters. The height of their hips is around 64~65 centimeters. The circumference of their chest is about 87~89 centimeters. The weight of a wild giant panda is estimated between 132 and 160 pounds. The weight of an artificially fed giant panda is estimated between 176-275 pounds. Giant pandas have a thick black and white coat that allows them to stay warm in the cool forests they like. They have a white coat with black markings-around their eyes, ears with black back legs and a black band around their shoulders. They have large paws with 5 "fingers" and 1 "thumb". This "thumb" is an enlarged bone on the heel of their paw used to help hold onto bamboo. Their round body helps maintain warmth, despite their low calorie bamboo diet. Their round faces contain large jaw muscles and molars to help with eating strong bamboo. Giant Pandas are bilaterally symmetrical. Unlike other bears, giant pandas have slit pupils, which helps them see better in the dark. As their eyes resemble a cats, this led Chinese to originally nickname them "Giant Cat Bear". Giant Pandas have large nose which allows them to have an excellent sense of smell. A giant panda has black coloring on it's large ears which helps in disguise. Their large ears also give them an excellent sense of hearing. However, a panda will become aggressive if you touch it's ears.